dinsdag 30 augustus 2016

Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air. John Quincy Adams

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it. For poise, walk with the knowledge you’ll never walk alone. The tender loving care of human beings will never become obsolete. People even more than things have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed and redeemed and redeemed. Never throw out anybody. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, the other helping others. Your “good old days” are ahead of you

zondag 28 augustus 2016

You deserve honesty. You deserve transparency. You deserve someone who respects you enough to never lie to your heart. You deserve appreciation. You deserve loyalty. You deserve someone who would never abuse your trust. You deserve love. You deserve someone who would still be there for you even when everyone else has walked away. You deserve someone who’s real. Never settle for less.

Never look for bad things in a relationship because of your insecurities because you will see them. But always look for love, good times, fun, respect,admiration, happiness and good things you will also see them. It wont matter what your partner does. As people we always see what we want to see.

zaterdag 27 augustus 2016

One of the best feelings in life is discovering that you are appreciated by someone regardless of how unworthy someone else has made you feel.

This post is about self love. A person does not complete you. You are already complete. So if they come and add value to your life, that's amazing. If they don't, you'll be just fine when they are gone. Much love, SabineAnna

vrijdag 26 augustus 2016

“Oh, I don’t mean you’re handsome, not the way people think of handsome. Your face seems kind. But your eyes - they’re beautiful. They’re wild, crazy, like some animal peering out of a forest on fire

donderdag 25 augustus 2016

Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain. ~Laughter is the next medicine There's nothing like deep breaths after. laughing that hard. Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons.

woensdag 24 augustus 2016

Yes, I’m single. No, I’m not lying.

I’m single because I have lost the ability to settle.

I don’t just want company—I want to be wowed, and in all honesty I’m not wowed that easily.

The funny thing is, it’s not about what kind of car a man drives, nor is it found in his possessions, that he brags about, as supposed evidence of his character and worth.

No, what I am looking for can’t be found in any material things.
It’s found in the eyes of a man and in his heart.

The way he approaches the world and how his life is evidence of what he stands for. I’ve realized that I’m not after just any man—I’m only in pursuit of someone who burns as passionately as I do.

The fact is, I don’t really want a boyfriend.

I don’t need someone to play house with and pass the time until we eventually realize we want different things. I don’t need to learn any more lessons from dating different versions of the same man, nor do I need someone to reflect all of my daddy issues or self-worth back to me.

These lessons I’ve learned have not been overnight. This in depth and sometimes scary self-work has been done sitting by myself, learning that I am enough just the way I am.

I’ve got this. I’m not looking for a bargain basement kind of love.
I won’t be sifting through discount love in an attempt to have something, because I would much rather wait it out, do me, and be ready when someone of my caliber and energy level comes around.

I’m honestly single because I am a lot to handle—with colors that defy the logical and a taste that lingers upon the heart. It’s okay that I’m not everyone’s cup of tea—but what I am will be the right fit for someone who understands the complexities of my contradictions.

The question, “How can you be single?” implies that those asked are supposed to be taken, but maybe it’s the people who actually have their act together who remain single the longest.

Relationships aren’t just for pleasure but also for self-growth. Sometimes we need other’s help to teach us the lessons we are too blind to see. But other times the only person to explore our issues with is ourselves.

Because regardless of who it is, or how enlightened they may seem—we’ve all got issues. How they manifest themselves in our lives depends on what stage of awareness and healing we are in.
For a long time, when someone asked me why I was still single, it made me question my relationship status because I couldn’t just team up and date random people like so many seem satisfied with. It was as if something was wrong with me because I didn’t feel a strong desire to fill my social calendar with those wanting to take me to dinner or concerts.

But then I realized, it was because I had fallen in love with myself and my life—as is.

I enjoy my own company, and that of friends and family so much that the only reason I would accept an invitation by a prospective man is if I felt he could add something to my already full life.

I’m not living my life day to day, hoping for the best. No, I am here building my own empire in the sky, and the fact is once a woman has decided to build her own castle she isn’t looking for someone else to do it for her.

Does that mean I think I am superwoman, and that I can do everything on my own? No, not at all. But it does mean that I know the qualities I am looking for, not in a lover or a boyfriend—but in a partner. I want someone whose dreams are just as full as mine, who aspires to a life they can attain with hard work and dedication.

I’m waiting for someone who can match my strength. He will be strong enough so that I don’t always have to be strong. I’m not looking for someone to be like me, but to complement me.

Perhaps the biggest reason that I am still single is that I know exactly what I want.

I am looking for presence in a man. He’ll know how I should be spoken to and how to ignite a fire inside my belly. The fact that I don’t yet have this is okay with me because I do have faith that I will one day.

So, why am I still single?
Because I have decided not to accept less than what I deserve. I have learned that my worth doesn’t lay in the hands of a man. I wake up each day absolutely in love with my life.

Until the day comes when a man comes into my life and enhances what is already here, I will remain single because I’ve found myself. And that is more than half the battle of finding another. 

In a relationship with a conscious man there will be no need to focus on the superficial aspects of our lives. The conscious man is interested and intrigued by what lies deep down within our souls and what is happening within our minds. It is important to stop worrying about outer appearances and judging whether we are good enough, pretty enough or worthy of attention or admiration from anyone. The most important opinion is how a woman sees and thinks about herself and her ability to accept herself entirely as she is—that is the attitude that attracts the right type of person.
Women who can fully accept themselves and also who worship and honour their inner Goddess will radiate an abundance of energy and sensuality that conscious men find very intriguing and attractive

dinsdag 23 augustus 2016

She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad. No, she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul. She is beautiful.

vrijdag 19 augustus 2016

Promise Yourself To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble. To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world...

donderdag 18 augustus 2016

If you choose to step into the aura and body of a woman whose spiritual fires are blazing, you are accepting that you need a certain level of danger and risk in order to grow. It is a monumental risk to love an awakened woman, because there is suddenly no place to hide. Loving a woman like this is a choice you make - to start living with your Soul on fire.

Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is. Jim Morrison

dinsdag 16 augustus 2016

You won’t be her first love. But maybe, if you’re lucky, you can be her last.
She has already felt the highs and lows that love has to offer. She has experienced every shade of every emotion that life could throw at her.

She is a challenge—a work-in-progress of sorts. But if you are willing to step up to the plate and love her right, the girl with the complicated past could be the best thing that ever happened to you. Here’s why:

She isn’t going to be the woman that up and leaves you for someone else, because once she knows what she wants and finds it, she isn’t going to let it go.

She will be gentle with your heart, because she knows what it feels like to have her heart’s well-being completely disregarded.

When she finds a man who appreciates her, she will love him with every ounce of her being. She knows what it feels like to be with someone who doesn’t appreciate her, so when she comes across a man who does she won’t let him go. She’ll appreciate him even more, because she has spent time with the wrong men.

She knows what she deserves.

She refuses to be your doormat or your emotional dumping ground; she will challenge you. She will make you a better partner—and a stronger man.

She will never need you—she is strong and self-sufficient—but, she will want you.

Her love is the life-long kind.
When she finds what she is looking for, it’s game over. She isn’t looking to play immature games with your heart. She is looking for something real, something that she can honor and cherish.
When she finds it, she holds on.

She will challenge you. She will frustrate you. She will make you earn her trust, and won’t give away any pieces of herself for free. She will be guarded, but once you break through her walls you will see all that she is. Like at the end of a difficult hike, once you arrive at the destination you will be able to stand back and admire the beauty around you.

Her past heartbreaks have built her into the beautifully strong woman now standing in front of you.

'Come take my hand, You should know me, I've always been in your mind, You know that I'll be kind I'll be guiding you'... Yet, if anyone is like me, keep discovering, and you will realise that, if the words were lost before, it will come back to you. I believe that that itself is magical. When you are ready and opening your heart to listen, the message of your Voice will speak, when you least expect. Trust in the child in you. Allow, the freedom deserved of that child, for it will bring much beauty.

maandag 15 augustus 2016

We try so hard to hide everything we’re really feeling from those who probably need to know our true feelings the most.

zondag 14 augustus 2016

It is Your Smile on your lips bright Yes, it's your smile coming from your heart it gets to me every time the all joy and happiness It speaks to me all the poems of love tenderness telling me that you're mine in every time forever It's your smile on your face reflecting your feelings it warms my feelings of love from heart before mind that ever grows our love touching our hearts and souls It's your smile the all reasons of being alive in life I'll cherish it always as precious token of love. I am so lucky to have your smiles on your lovely eyes```

zaterdag 13 augustus 2016

Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. 

Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be. Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.
If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behaviour. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.

~ Oprah Winfrey ~

I truly believe that the most successful relationships are the ones where both partners have authentically worked on their own self-development. No games, no blaming and no drama whatsoever. Just a genuine partnership where both parties know who they are and what they want.
In order to stop the cycle of failed relationships, we need to start working on ourselves.
For years I heard the notion “to love others, you should love yourself first.” Frankly, I never really understood it, until recently. Loving ourselves signifies taking care of our own happiness. Relationships can be tough to maintain, and they often have a great deal of suffering included with them. Every relationship experiences some form argument, which in return will unleash negativity. If we love ourselves, we try not to allow our negativity to affect us in a non-constructive way. When we do this, we are indirectly reflecting our own light to our partner. We love ourselves, and we love our partner.

vrijdag 12 augustus 2016

Giving someone a piece of your soul is better than giving a piece of your heart. Because souls are eternal.

donderdag 11 augustus 2016

"How can a woman be expected to be happy
with a man who insists on treating her as if
she were a perfectly normal human being."
~ Oscar Wilde ~

dinsdag 9 augustus 2016

Collapse into me and rest. Release every muscle, every fear. Melt your skin into mine. Sink your thoughts in the rhythmic waves of my breathing. Absorb my heat. Sleep to the white noise of my heart. Awaken to love anew. ❤️

maandag 8 augustus 2016

Thinking of you When dreams are Red and blue It takes passion To make it happen. Then It is better to be felt Than to be heard. Play for me a melody sing for me a song You are the Piano man.

zondag 7 augustus 2016

Never settle for anything less than magical, for anything less than excitement and butterflies in your tummy. Nothing less than forever, nothing less than knowing beyond a doubt that this is love.You may feel lost right now. You may be scared. You may be terrified of being lonely. And you may be thinking this is it, this is all there is, but I promise you, there’s so much more.Never settle for anything less than you deserve.

vrijdag 5 augustus 2016

In a conscious relationship, there’s room to feel anything. Not only that, there’s room to express those feelings and fantasies to your partner. This is edgy territory… it’s not easy to do. But it’s also one of the most healing things we can experience in a partnership

It’s rare to be completely honest about who you are, and to stretch yourself to let your partner do the same. You may not like what you hear; in fact, it may trigger the hell out of you. But you’re willing to be triggered if it means your partner can be authentic.

The only option is radical honesty: revealing parts of ourselves that are hard to share, and letting our partners do the same. This leads to feeling known, seen and truly understood — a combination that will automatically enhance your love.

The relationship is a place to practice love.

Love, ultimately, is a practice. A practice of acceptance, being present, forgiveness, and stretching your heart into vulnerable territories.

Sometimes we treat love like it’s a destination. We want that peak feeling all the time, and when it’s not there, we’re not satisfied with what the relationship has become. In my mind, this is missing the whole point of love.

Love is a journey and an exploration. It’s showing up for all varied nuances of your relationship and asking yourself, What would love do here?” The answer will be different every time, and because of this, you’ll get to grow in ways you never have before!

The conscious couple is fiercely committed to being the embodiment of love. And through their devotion and practice, love shows up in their lives and relationship in ways they would’ve never imagined before.

maandag 1 augustus 2016


I'm crying as I write this because my heart is overwhelmed and in pain for the women I know and for the women I don't yet know who don't yet embrace, see clearly and understand how fucking amazing they are.

This is for the women who haven't yet cleared out the message that they aren't good enough or deserve more.

This is for the women who are still settling for the love they 'get' rather than the love they desire and deserve.

It is time to stop, to breathe and to find the strength deep inside and the support needed to walk away.

Walk away from the man who tells you you're 'crazy' when you cry or express emotion.

Walk away from the man who calls you names, belittles you, puts you down or mocks you.

Walk away from the man who won't commit to you after 4 years of back and forth, broken promises and numerous break ups.

Walk away from a man who just 'isn't ready'

Walk away from a man who looses his temper and yells, screams or hits you.

Walk away from the man who's words don't CONSISTENTLY align with his actions.

Walk away from the man who doesn't honour and respect your feminine intuition.

Walk away from the man who won't love and accept your children like his own.

Walk away from the man who only contacts you when he's bored or has nothing better to do.

Walk away from the man who doesn't take the time to get to know every inch and curve of your body.

Walk away from the man who doesn't make you feel like the most beautiful, desirable, loveable, magical, powerful goddess walking this earth.

I am not minimizing how hard it is to finally let go and walk away but I'm telling you it is worth it.

Sending love and strength.