zaterdag 13 augustus 2016

I truly believe that the most successful relationships are the ones where both partners have authentically worked on their own self-development. No games, no blaming and no drama whatsoever. Just a genuine partnership where both parties know who they are and what they want.
In order to stop the cycle of failed relationships, we need to start working on ourselves.
For years I heard the notion “to love others, you should love yourself first.” Frankly, I never really understood it, until recently. Loving ourselves signifies taking care of our own happiness. Relationships can be tough to maintain, and they often have a great deal of suffering included with them. Every relationship experiences some form argument, which in return will unleash negativity. If we love ourselves, we try not to allow our negativity to affect us in a non-constructive way. When we do this, we are indirectly reflecting our own light to our partner. We love ourselves, and we love our partner.

1 opmerking:

  1. "Every relationship experiences some form argument, which in return will unleash negativity."
    Friction ... Cleansing and polishing! It's positive

    Don't misplace the things that happen; don't compare it 'to' the old!

    Don't put the old into the new !
