woensdag 26 oktober 2016

Engine Room

The engine room is now open ! 

If you would like to design websites, games, applications, logos, art, animations and more, you can use Flip Flop to create it and put it on a website (your own or a wysiwyg like Wix) where everyone can see it !
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Thank You All Of You   

dinsdag 25 oktober 2016

Sometimes, when it’s finally over, what hurts you the most is not the fact that it’s actually over, but rather it’s that feeling that sits in the pit of your stomach that you somehow knew he wasn’t right for you in the beginning and you still chose to waste your time with him anyway.
"If you don't trust anyone or anything else, trust that voice inside of you. It's there for a reason. The wrong man will tell you it's just you being paranoid or it's your imagination, but deep down inside, you know it's more than that.

maandag 24 oktober 2016

What can I do with my happiness ... How can I keep it, conceal it, bury it where I may never lose it ? 

I want to kneel as it falls over me like rain, gather it up with lace and silk, and press it over myself again. 

zaterdag 22 oktober 2016

She is a wild, tangled forest with temples and treasures concealed within.

vrijdag 21 oktober 2016

We should all stop telling women what they should or should not wear, or what size they should or should not be ... One of the easiest ways to empower women around you is to be a role model to them. Be confident and show them that it is easier than they think to be a strong and powerful woman. Women feel way more empowered when they have more confidence. When we raise each other up, we are empowering each other to reach our full potential. If you see a woman who is being mistreated, say something! Every time that a woman is belittled, it impacts each and every one of us. Tell your friends, sisters, daughters and mothers how much you appreciate them.

donderdag 20 oktober 2016

The price of a good woman's love is high ... not every man can emotionally afford it.

zondag 16 oktober 2016

Always end the day, with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s a fresh opportunity to make it better, SabineAnna

zaterdag 15 oktober 2016

Before I let my body be touched again,
It is my mind I want that special attention given to,
I want my mind having an orgasm,
Not just a lower case one either,

My brain undressed,
Slowly teased, then caressed,
Each ideology probed,
Each layer disrobed,
Credit where it's due,
No "it's not me it's you",
I want real,
I want to feel,
What you think of me,
Why you shrink from me,

All my pleasures,
All my pains,
Love knows no measure,
Yet abstains,

Don't leave me unsatisfied,
My brain will turn blue!
Then I'll know you have lied,
A brain teaser, damn you,
Just leading me on,
That's me gone,
Moving on to the next,
Put them to the test,
Until then though,
I'll do it solo.
Fast forward, rewind,
As I Masturbate my mind.

donderdag 13 oktober 2016

The new male is someone who is not afraid to express his deeper feelings, who is in touch with his gentle side, and who is open to receiving love and nurturing, especially from himself. He sets boundaries easily, takes inspired action when it is required, and knows when to relinquish control and allow things to be.

He doesn’t feel pressured to ‘perform.’ He feels his value and worth independent of money or status or sexual prowess. He is in touch with his inner child. And he allows that child room to play and to feel sad or scared or angry. He knows how to soothe the child and because he no longer ignores him, because he no longer judges the feelings as bad, the child doesn’t rule the roost. There is a beautiful balance of the mother/father/child within him.

Awakening is not the easiest of journeys. It is why so few have chosen it. It is not for the weak. It takes strength and determination to face all the inner ‘demons’ and to love oneself unconditionally. But many men are doing it, and in the process helping other men to follow. The rewards are many, including finding the inner peace, joy, and freedom.

Ultimately, both men and women will no longer be defined by their gender, but will be sovereign, self loving beings.

woensdag 12 oktober 2016


And when I'm broken, falling apart,
It's then she holds me to her heart,
She knows me too well,
She knows my dark hell,
But never judges me,
Loves me unconditionally,
I loose my demons on her soul,
She soothes them, breaking down my wall,
She loves me not for what I can do for her,
But for knowing that I can't do without her.

dinsdag 11 oktober 2016

“You are not free until you have no need to impress anybody.”

maandag 10 oktober 2016

When a man chooses a woman who follows her calling, his only chance to maintain the connection is in following her… and above all in creating space for her to follow her own path.

It may happen that he needs to abandon his own neediness, or that he finds a means of healing through their common path – but not in the gentlest manner.

When a man chooses a woman who heals the collective wounds of the women by following her calling, his Yes for her equals a Yes to a bigger purpose far beyond building a house or raising children. Their connection goes beyond fulfilling the classical gender role models.

For this man accepts the job of having the back of this woman, of catching her when she cannot transform the pain of the world anymore. It means for him to welcome a different form of sexuality, since healing on the level of sexuality is one of the most profound issues of the woman who needs to become a healer.
For him this, again, is about welcoming slowness, softness and healing – about holding back or redirecting his own drive… about being present for the whole.

Because when a man chooses a woman who aims for freedom, they can only achieve this together… and by him leaving his narcissistic aspects behind and recognizing the path of the woman as his own path towards freedom.

When a man chooses a woman who is bigger, he cannot dwell in the places of energies of oppression or of playing small. He – if he chooses to take on this mission with her – accepts a task serving the well-being of all men, even though it happens in the background. Within this background he creates space of security, of keeping her safe from an ambush bred by his own old wounds, driving her into submission.

When a man chooses a woman out of his fascination with her radiance and wisdom, it must be obvious to him that he cannot be stuck within his own deficits in a way that makes him want to diminish her radiance… purely out of fear of having to share her with others.

When a man chooses a woman who follows her calling, he cannot fear these words: respect, humility and surrender. He will rather walk the path of divinity – alongside his woman, the healer – with gratitude and an overflowing heart.

For such a woman will choose – if she ever needs to choose – in favour of the well-being of all women …and she will choose walking her path alone instead of leaving it for him. Nevertheless, she is aware of the power that lies in the presence of a man who is beating the drums… for her.

zaterdag 8 oktober 2016

Why should a relationship mean settling down ?

Wait out for someone who won’t let life escape you, who’ll challenge you and drive you toward your dreams. Someone spontaneous you can get lost in the world with. A relationship, with the right person, is a release not a restriction.