donderdag 13 oktober 2016

The new male is someone who is not afraid to express his deeper feelings, who is in touch with his gentle side, and who is open to receiving love and nurturing, especially from himself. He sets boundaries easily, takes inspired action when it is required, and knows when to relinquish control and allow things to be.

He doesn’t feel pressured to ‘perform.’ He feels his value and worth independent of money or status or sexual prowess. He is in touch with his inner child. And he allows that child room to play and to feel sad or scared or angry. He knows how to soothe the child and because he no longer ignores him, because he no longer judges the feelings as bad, the child doesn’t rule the roost. There is a beautiful balance of the mother/father/child within him.

Awakening is not the easiest of journeys. It is why so few have chosen it. It is not for the weak. It takes strength and determination to face all the inner ‘demons’ and to love oneself unconditionally. But many men are doing it, and in the process helping other men to follow. The rewards are many, including finding the inner peace, joy, and freedom.

Ultimately, both men and women will no longer be defined by their gender, but will be sovereign, self loving beings.

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